Nielsen Shove Angers Iqbal

Lars-Erik Nielsen checked from the big blind on a flop reading flop, Majid Iqbal bet 3,800 from the hijack seat and Krzystof Stuchlik raised to 8,000 on the button. Nielsen then check-raised all-in for 51,400 which sent Iqbal into the tank for around two minutes.
After much deliberation, Iqbal folded and Stuchlik folded behind, leaving Nielsen to pull in the pot.
"You scared of playing your hand?" asked Iqbal. "50,000 into 20,000, how do you expect to get paid? It's not like you're protecting your hand because playing like that you're only getting called when you're beat."
Iqbal continued his rant up until being dealt the next hand, which he slammed onto the table, picked up his can of Irn-Bru (other soft drinks are available) and walked across the tournament area. He's since returned and continued his poker coaching lesson with Nielsen who seems quite perplexed by the tirade he faced.