Seat 6: Damian Porebski, Poland (Full Tilt Qualifier): 695,000

Although trailing a string of cashes around Europe, 30 year old Polish professional poker player Damian Porebski sees tomorrow as a personal landmark �C his first Main Event final table appearance. Porebski has made thousands in side events from the Czech Republic to Spain, but has yet to secure a title although has already racked up three cashes on the UKIPT. The thought of doing so left him smiling irrepressibly as the final eight bagged up, despite experiencing being ��card dead�� in his last few levels. Porebski even laughed about the fact that his early lead wasn��t worth much later on, saying, ��I had 200k after Day 1b. After Day 2 I had 120k. Now I have the same stack (15 big blinds) I��ve had for a long time �C not much play!��
He��s guaranteed a healthy profit on the cost of his original online satellite, however, especially as he is one of three players remaining in the Full Tilt Poker Last Longer, the winner of which will receive buy-ins plus expenses to all remaining UKIPT stops. He said that although he was aware of the potential added value, he did not foresee any difference in the way he��d tackle his opponents tomorrow.
*Bio courtesy of FTP.