QQ>QK, Ai on flop KxQx3x
Needed a big douple up and got there.
Lost KK to AA
Avoided another disaster as seat 1, who has sent a couple of players on my side of the table, home, once again raises my big blind for the umpteenth time, gets called by my QK. The flop has a King, and surprisingly enough, seat 1 raises. This sets off t
Card dead as heck. Playing excellent poker by getting put of hands before the Big Chips go in. The WISEST fold I made today was 4?4? utg and raised to 600 when blinds were 100/200. Seat 1 raised to 2100, seat 4 calls. I fold because of my nitty tab
Aipf KQ>JJ
Big double with top set on flop