Nemeth Leads Final Ten of PokerStars 2020 SCOOP-52-H: $25,000 Super High Roller

A hectic day filled with loads of high stakes and high-level poker, Day 1 of the PokerStars 2020 SCOOP-52-H: $25,000 Super High Roller has come to an end with 10 players making it through to Day 2. The tournament attracted 59 unique players who reentered a total of 30 times to create a prize pool of $2,182,725 and 11 players getting paid.
Taking the chip lead to Day 2 is Andras "probirs" Nemeth with 6,061,664 in chips. Nemeth is no stranger to the high roller tournaments, claiming several wins in the live and online arenas. He did need two bullets though but got a bunch of his chips when he eliminated Pavel "silentm0de" Plesuv first, then Ryhor "Grisha1983" Karapanau just before the bubble, and Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams on the bubble. Adams got paid though as Pauli "fiilismies" Ayras busted just before him when he ran his shortstack into the ace-ten of Ole "wizowizo" Schemion while holding queen-jack.
Second in the counts is Talal "raidalot" Shakerchi who won a big pot against Nemeth during the bubble where he flopped a Broadway and a few more well-timed bets gave him 3,225,908 in the end. Completing the top three is Schemion with 2,560,483. But as expected the players making it through are some of the best and well-known players in the world. Chun Lei "SamRostan" Zhou (2,044,930), Joao "Naza114" Vieira (2,042,144), Ben "Sauce123" Sulsky (2,018,569), Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin (1,249,913), Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz (1,170,863), Steve "Mr. Tim Caum" O'Dwyer (1,038,224), and Samuel "�urop�an" Vousden (837,302) have all made it through.

Not everyone was that fortunate though, Christopher "Apotheosis92" Kruk, Kahle "ROFLshove" Burns, Artur "mararthur1" Martirosyan, Michael "Imluckbox" Addamo, "E. Aequitas", Laszlo "omaha4rollz" Bujtas, Juan ��Malaka$tyle�� Pardo, Daniel "Oxota" Dvoress, Wiktor "limitless" Malinowski, and Pascal "Pass_72" Lefrancois all fired three bullets each and failed to hit any targets.
Leon "Flippetyflop" Louis was the first player to bust today and wasn't seen again. He five-bet shoved his pocket queens into the kings of Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood who busted too later on the day. Markus "makeboifin" Leikkonen finished in fourth place yesterday in SCOOP-44-G: $5,200 High Roller SE but couldn't repeat that feat here. Christoph "26071985" Vogelsang was part of a three-way all-in twice. In the first, he managed to eliminate Addamo and Ayras but in the second one, he was the one to get eliminated.

And it wasn't smooth sailing for so many people, players like Luuk "pokerkluka" Gieles, Mustapha "lasagnaaammm" Kanit, Charlie "Epiphany77" Carrel, Conor "1_conor_b_1" Beresford, Rui "RuiNF" Ferreira, Alexandros "mexican222" Kolonias, and Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle will all need to try one of the many other tournaments that are coming up.
When the players return, they will finish the remainder of Level 20 which has a small blind of 20,000, big blind of 40,000, and a running ante of 5,000. They have all already been paid the $55,088 they have secured so one more player will bust without a pay jump on Wednesday, May 13. Play will resume at 1 p.m. EST with 30-minute levels throughout and play continuing until a new champion has been crowned.
The PokerNews live reporting team will be there from the start until the final all-in so make to come back for all the live updates.