Clock Gets Called On Burchfield

Kris Burchfield was in the big blind and was the last to act after a shove for 40,000 from Dave Para in the cutoff position.
"This ones gonna take me a minute or so." said Burchfield when the action was on him. Burchfield continued to talk to Para in an effort to figure out the strength of his opponent. After what felt like only a minute or so, another player at the table called clock on Burchfield. After the floor manager came over and helped monitor the situation, a countdown was given and around the 5 seconds remaining moment, Burchfield tossed his cards away while showing pain in the moment.
"Did you have Ace Ten?" asked Para and Burchfield confidently said "Oh I had better than Ace Ten."
"Sevens. Walking sticks. I had walking sticks." remarked Burchfield as Para pulled in the small pot.