Demian Shumaker raised to 110,000 and Duma Lowery three-bet to 220,000. Then Shumaker four-bet to 855,000. Lowery made the call. Shuamaker then turned his hand over, thinking he was put all in by Lowery.
The flop came 6?10?J? and Lowery bet to put Shumaker all in for his stack of 450,000.
Demian Shumaker: 2?2?
Duma Lowery: A?Q?
Shuamaker was still ahead but would have to fade the two over cards and gut shot straight draw of Lowery. The turn brought more outs for Lowery after 5? in the form of a flush draw. The river brought the A? which gave Lowery the best hand with a pair of aces to take the pot and eliminated Shumaker.
Demian ShumakerDuma Lowery