"robgetsthere" Gets There on the Flop to Scoop Chip Lead Pot Off of "Alcatraz5432"

Action folded to "robgetsthere" who raised to 525,000 from the cutoff before seeing "Alcatraz5432" put in a three-bet to 1,750,000 from the button. The blinds got out of the way and "robgetsthere" made the call to see the flop come 9?10?7?.
"robgetsthere" checked to "Alcatraz5432" who continued with a bet of 3,500,000. "robgetsthere" paused briefly before check-raising all-in for 7,276,248 total. "Alcatraz5432" made the quick call to create a massive and send the two players to a runout with "robgetsthere" at risk.
"robgetsthere": 9?7?
"Alcatraz5432": K?K?
"Alcatraz5432" had been out-flopped and would need help from the turn or river to win but when they came the 5? and 8?, "Alcatraz5432" would be left with just over 10 big blinds as "robgetsthere" scooped the massive pot to move to the top of the chip counts.
Player | Chips | Progress |
7,493,748 |
-5,893,198 |