We Have a Deal!

After almost three hours in the heads-up the players decided to make a deal. Marios Tzakos had slghtly more chips than Dimitrios Michailidis with 4.8 and 4.1 million chips, respectively.
The two players realized that this might take long, so they decided to split the remaining prize pool, with Michailidis asking for the trophy and Tzakos agreeing to give it to his opponent.
Thomas Lamatsch was called to the table, but he informed the players that they can't make a deal for the trophy. Based on the rules, the tournament has to have a real winner, so the best thing they can do is split the prize pool and leave �1.500 for the winner plus the trophy.
The players finally agreed and the new payouts are as follows:
Marios Tzakos: �21,525
Dimitrios Michailidis: �21,525
�1,500 plus the trophy are left for the winner of the High Roller!