Tough Fold for Gabrovski

Level 16
: 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
When we reached the table the board was reading and Gabrovski bet 50,000 from the hijack. Polykarpos Stryvakis was on the button and he put nearly 200,000 in the middle.
Loukas Kioutsoukis was the third player of the hand and he folded quickly, while Gabrovski looked like he had a really tough decision to make. After five minutes tanking, a player in the table asked for time and the floor manager gave him one minute to decide.
Stryvakis was table-talking to his opponent, saying to him that he is good, and Gabrovski finally opened aces and folded about 30 seconds before the end of his time. Stryvakis was amazed by his opponent fold who had only 120,000 behind him, and he proved him right, opening the for trips!