Pesek Fades and Doubles

Level 27
: 30,000/60,000, 5,000 ante
Michael Pesek was first up from the under-the-gun position. He raised to 120,000. Anton Ionel called from the small blind and Dmitriy Stelmak called from the big blind.
The three players saw the flop come down and action checked to Pesek. He bet out 130,000. Ionel check-raised to 285,000 and Stelmak folded. Pesek reraised all in for 1.38 million more and Ionel called.
Pesek would need to fade Ionel's flush draw and one overcard in order to double up. The turn brought the and the river the
. Both were black, but not spades. Pesek doubled and is up to about 3.3 million. Ionel dropped back to two million.