Phillips Drops One to Peltekci

Carter Phillips raised to 800 and Rob Peltekci called. After the flop came , Phillips check-called a bet from Peltekci. The turn went check, check after the
fell and then the river completed the board with the
. Phillips fired 3,000 and Peltekci called with the
. Phillips mucked and dropped down to 9,000 in chips.
Peltekci is up to about 60,000 and it has been in no way a quiet climb up the leaderboard. Since entering the tournament, which was a late entrance, Peltekci has been loud and exuberant, splashing chips and showing cards. According to some players at his table, Peltecki seems like he has been drinking, but that can only heighten the level of fun we'll be seeing at his table.