Benyamine Triples in Big Three-Way All In

Filippo Candio raised preflop before Chris Karagulleyan reraised from the cutoff seat. The player on the button flat-called and David Benyamine flat-called from the small blind. Candio also called and the four players went to the flop with about 10,000 chips already in the middle.
The flop came down . Even despite the flop having some flush and straight draw possibilities, everyone checked and got to see the turn card for free. On fourth street is where the action ignited with a boom.
The turn brought the and Benyamine fired out 7,300. Candio raised to 17,000 and action moved to Karagulleyan. He flat-called before the player on the button also called. Benyamine tanked for a bit as his forehead hit his hands, pained by the situation. After a bit of time went by while Benyamine looked physically stressed about the situation, he fired all in for 59,975. Candio tossed his hand into the muck before Karagulleyan snap-shoved all in over the top of Benyamine. The last player to act snap-called and just like that a massive three-way all in occurred.
Benyamine held a flush with the . Karagulleyan held the
for top set and the redraw to the nut flush. The third player in the hand held
for a turned set of eights. A big crowd gathered around the table from the players jumping out of their seats at the adjacent tables, awaiting the river card.
The river card completed the board without pairing it as the fell. Notice it wasn't another club either and Benyamine's flush held strong. He was able to triple up to about 210,000 in chips and take the chip lead.