Bonomo Bolstered

A tidbit of a hand for Team Bonomo.
We'll infer that Justin Bonomo was the preflop raiser from late position, and he was heads up with big stack John Phan. We walked up to see a flop of
out on board, and Justin Bonomo fired out 6,000 at the pot. Phan made the call, and the
appeared on the turn. Bonomo took pause this time before sliding out 11,000, and that move sent Phan into the tank for a couple minutes.
Finally, he uncapped his cards, double-checked them, and said, "Okay Justin, you can have it." He was just about to muck face-down, but he pulled his cards back and said, "I shoulda reraised you preflop," as he flashed his
Bonomo looked surprised. "Did you have the best hand?" Phan asked, intrigued.
Bonomo simply shrugged and smirked with that, "Who, me??" look on his face as he stacked the pot. He's up around 90,000 now.