Chaaban First to Go

The flop read and Vanush Mnatsakyan had bet 12,000 from the small blind. The player in the big blind called and Wael Chaaban responded with a shove for 51,700. Mnatsakyan tanked for a while and then the clock was called on him. The floor came over, looked at the clock and then Mnatsakyan also shoved. The player in the big blind asked for a count, the dealer confirmed Mnatsakyan had 99,700 behind. The dealer also counted out Chaaban's stack and then the big blind folded to let them battle it out.
Wael Chaaban:
Vanush Mnatsakyan:
Chaaban had flopped the open-ended straight draw and had the pair of eights but was behind against Mnatsakyan's pocket queens.
The rest of the board was completed with the on the turn and the
on the river to keep the situation the same and Chaaban was the first player of the day to get eliminated.
Player | Chips | Progress |
190,000 |
Busted |