Haidar Makes a Good Call

Five players limped in to see the K?6?4? flop, where both the blinds checked to Safi Haidar who was the original limper under the gun and he fired a bet of 7,000. Only the player on his left and the big blind made the call.
When the 3? fell on the turn, the big blind checked once more and Haidar continued for 10,000. Once again, he was met with two calls.
The A? completed the board on the river, and this time both the big blind and Haidar checked. The player last to act fired 35,000 across the line, forcing the big blind to quickly fold.
Haidar went into the tank saying, "You have the ace of heart huh?"
His opponent let out a smirk but didn't respond. After a few more seconds, Haidar made the call. His opponent tapped the table as he said, "Good call," showing the Q?10? for a busted flush darw.
Haidar tabled K?J? for a pair of kings while pulling in the pot.
Player | Chips | Progress |
334,000 |