Habernig's Rockets Hold

Matthias Habernig has been quiet today, until recently that is. Over at his table the under the gun player raised to 2,500 and received a call from the player in Seat 2. Habernig was next to act and reraised to 9,000, which both players called. With nearly 30,000 in a three-way preflop pot, it seemed like the fireworks might fly.
Action checked to Habernig after flop and he fired out 23,000. The under the gun player mucked, accidentally exposing
, while Seat 2 moved all-in for a total of 36,000. Habernig made the call and the two turned over their cards:
Seat 2:
The on the turn gave Seat 2 even more outs and Habernig looked a bit nervous. He breathed a deep sigh of relief however when the
fell on the river. Habernig sent his opponent to the rail and increased his stack to around 110,000.