Hands 72-77: Buldygin Limps Kings By Accident

Hand 72: Juha Helppi received a walk in the big blind with .
Hand 73: With on the button, Viacheslav Buldygin limped in. Juha Helppi completed with
and Leon Tsoukernik checked
"Come on... cooler!" Carrel said.
The flop came and Helppi bet 150,000. Leon Tsoukernik announced all-in and the action was on Viacheslav Buldygin.
"This is the biggest mistake on this final table" Buldygin said.
"Limping a big pair?" Helppi asked.
Buldygin folded and so did Helppi. Tsoukernik showed his middle pair with straight draw.
Buldygin said he had limped by accident, and meant to raise.
Hand 74: Charlie Carrel received a walk in the big blind with .
Hand 75: Leon Tsoukernik, holding on the button, announced all-in. Everyone folded.
Hand 76: A walk for Juha Helppi with in the big blind.
Hand 77: In the small blind, Juha Helppi announced all-in for 1,810,000 with . Leon Tsoukernik folded
in the big blind.