From under the gun, Ami Barer raised all in for 1.115 million. Play then folded to Nick Petrangelo on the button, and he made the call after getting a count on the shove. Mustapha Kanit folded from the small blind, and then action fell on Aliaksei Boika in the big blind.
Boika took a little bit of time to think. Then, he announced that he was all in for around 4.5 million. Petrangelo snap-called and a monster three-way all-in collision had happened right before our eyes.
Barer tabled the 
, and he had the worst of it. Boika had the 
, but it was Petrangelo's 
that had both of his opponents in trouble. Petrangelo also had the most chips of the trio, with just about 5.5 million in his stack.
Petrangelo jumped out of his chair, knowing very well he could still lose the hand and how much was riding on this. The 

flop was as perfect as he could have hoped for, and then the
turn card officially allowed him to exhale with both of his opponents drawing dead.
The river completed the board with the
Barer had the least amount of chips, so he was awarded sixth place for �206,500. Boika finished in fifth for �265,600, and Petrangelo vaulted up over 11 million in chips. What's more is that everyone remaining earned a pay jump of more than �130,000 thanks to Petrangelo and those rockets.
Aliaksei BoikaAmi BarerMustapha KanitNick Petrangelo