Wake Up Blom, Blomlie Has Bet
Level 5
: 150/300, 25 ante

Viktor Blom raised from early position and Olvedo Heinze called as did Roberto Romanello on the button and small blind Mikal Blomlie from Norway. They saw a flop of and all four players checked.
A turn card saw Blomlie bet 1,900 and Blom stared into space analysing the situation. Or so it appeared as when a player asked if Blom realised it was on him he came round and folded his cards. Heinze folded too but ROmanello made the call.
The river was the and Blomlie bet 4,500. Romanelli in the 10 seat did his best to study his man in the 1 seat. In the end he flicked out a chip for a call but nodded and mucked when Blomlie showed his