Greece Lightning

Our thanks to EPT Media Coordinator Mad Harper for this heart warming tale of brotherly love and support for Sotirios Koutoupas.
At midnight last night Sotirios' friend Apostolis Tsakridis rings Sotirios' younger brother Fortis, 19, and says "Shall we go to Deauville?" Neither of them has ever been to France. At 6.30am they set off, they drive 20 minutes to Thessaloniki airport, catch a flight from Thessaloniki to Athens and then catch another flight to Charles de Gaulle. They rent a car and head to Deauville, which takes just over two hours and arrive Deauville at 2pm. Apostolis says: "I went to Prague too, when Sotirios made the final last season. The drive to Prague took 19 hours so this was easy!!!" They have joined Sotirios' good friend Konstantinos Nanos (3rd at EPT7 Vienna) on the rail.