Early Action

In the early levels of poker tournaments, the action can tend to be slow. The blinds are still very low, allowing for lots of deep-stack play, and the players are working to get a feel for their table. While the chips may not be flying just yet, every little bit of chips can add up. Here's a couple examples of some small pots we caught here in the first level of play.
On the flop, two players checked before Sam Chartier fired a bet of 300 in position. The first player called, then the next player folded. The turn was the
, and both players checked to see the
land on the river. The first player led for 1,125, and Chartier folded.
Over on another table, Scott Seiver raised from under the gun to 300, and only the player in the small blind made the call. The flop came down , and both players checked. The turn was the
, and the small blind checked. Seiver bet 400, and his opponent folded.