Demontis Four-Bet Gets Through

Carlo Savinelli, seated in early position, set the price to play at 5,100. One player folded and Roberto Romanello three-bet to 13,000. Olivier Busquet gets out of the way but Stefano Demontis stuck in a four-bet to 30,500. The small blind instantly folded but Salvatore Pengue tanks for close to a minute in his big blind before letting his hand go.
The action was then on the initial raiser, Savinelli, and he paused for another minute, hiding behind his oversized shades before flicking his cards to the dealer.
"I fold," said Romanello, tossing his bet to Demontis. "Will you show?"
"You show first, " came the reply.
"You put in the four-bet. You show," responded Romanello
Demontis obliged and showed which incidentally was the same hand Romanello held.
"Good fold. Very serious," Romanello was told but we don't think the Welshman is too happy with it.