Mattern Pays Off El-Kher

Level 5
: 150/300, 25 ante
Team PokerStars Pro Arnaud Mattern has lost a little ground after paying off Martin El-Kher's river raise.
Joining the action on a board, Mattern fired a bet of 3,050 into El-Kher who was sat there with both fists on his forehead. He moved one of them to pick up the chips needed to call. The river was the
putting four clubs on the board and Mattern bet again, this time he made it 4,200 to play. El-Kher, again with his head on his fists, sat upright, counted out some chips and bet them. 10,450 was the total bet.
Mattern riffled his chips for 25-30 seconds before exhaling loudly, pulling back his original bet and replacing it with enough chips to make the call.
Mattern: mucked