Sam No Longer the Man

We wrote earlier about the vocal exploits of Sam El Sayed and he's now been joined by renowned motor-mouth Roberto Romanello.
Romanello had been relatively quiet today but that soon changed when he sat down at his new table. He wasted little time in telling Sayed, "I'm the new boss at the table now. You only talk when I tell you too!"
Sayed tried and speak but Ronamello talked him down, "What did I tell you? Ssshh."
After Romanello had finished the hand he was involved in Sayed finally had his response heard, "Shut-up and play" before adding "He needs lose a pot and he wont talk anymore".
Their table mates are, mostly, enjoying the banter but I bet they're glad they day's play will only last for a 95 minutes. A whole day of their talk would have you scratching the walls.