"Cheers Roberto!"

Roberto Romanello just asked for a ruling over on Table 1 which resulted in Mathew Frankland relinquishing his hand.
Frankland had opened the betting with a raise to 450 and he received callers in the shape of Tobias Garp, Maksim Kolosov and Carlomaria Fieri. The flop came down and Kolosov went to bet 1,300 but as he moved his arm forward he dropped two black 100 chips and the dealer initially ruled that this was a string bet and therefore Kolosov could only make a minimum bet. Fieri folded and Frankland put in the 200 chips but Romanello said he thought the bet of 1,300 should stand as Kolosov moved the chips towards the middle of the table in one fluid motion.
The floor was called and they ruled that the bet of 1,300 was valid. Frankland quickly folded, "Cheers Roberto!" he said to his table mate. They then discussed how they both thought the original bet of 1,300 was legitimate and all is well in the world again!