Serock Warned One FInal Time

Action folded to Dennis Bejedal in middle position and he opened to 8,000. Play then moved to Joe Serock in the big blind and he tanked. The clock was called on Serock, again, and the floor was summoned. The floor has been to Serock's table a few times today because of his stalling and this time Serock was issued with a 10-second clock straight away. Not a minute, not 30 seconds, just 10.
Serock wanted an explanation, but it seemed he was just drawing things out longer before the 10-second clock was started. Some of the players got a bit stirred up and finally the clock was given. It ran all the way down before Serock's hand was declared dead. He showed the and was left with just about 10 big blinds.
The floor then warned Serock that if the clock was forced on him again, the floor would come, issue one final one-minute clock and then give him a one-round penalty. We'll keep an eye on the situation to see if anything more develops.