Adeniya Takes One Despite Confusion

Level 9
: 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Martins Adeniya raised to 42,000 to kick off the action on this hand. Action then folded to Adria Balaguer and he made the call. Play moved around to Anatoly Gurtovoy and he put out 55,000 in chips, but only meant to call. The floor was summoned and it was ruled that Gurtovoy could either min-raise or just call. The catch was that if he just called, he'd lose the extra chips he stuck out, so the call would cost him the full 55,000. Instead, he chose to min-raise to 64,000. Adeniya quickly reraised to 200,000 and action moved back to Balaguer. He folded and then Gurtovoy tossed his hand into the muck as well.