
Roberto Romanello shoved for 75,000 under the gun and it folded right around to Andrew Teng in the big blind, who tanked. The Romanello monologue commenced.
"You don't want to double me up, I'm right next to you. Just out of interest, what's your range here? You don't need to worry about giving me information, I'm already all in." Then a change of tack. "Oh f*** it, just call me, get it over with." To the bloggers: "Do I get a penalty if I tell him my hand?" Shrugs from us and no floor man in sight. "I've got pocket sixes. I think you've got ace-ten."
Eventually Teng folded, but kept his cards - he wanted to see Romanello's hand, and seemed willing to show his. "I've got pocket sixes, but I don't want to show my hand, because, you know," Romanello announced.
"Because you don't have pocket sixes," someone at the table laughed. Teng showed an ace (he claimed ) and play continued.