Face-Down Friction

Before the break we saw the Rise of the Preflop Aggressor - no showdowns, no board cards, just Q&A where the Q is, "I'm up for it, are you?" and the A is, "No."
Kristoffer Thorsson, whose dramatic fall from near chip-lead to short stack has been the talk of the last half hour, took his turn to move in preflop over a 32,000 three-bet from Simon Higgins. Despite having just 120,000 left in total, Higgins declined to call. Thorsson, meanwhile, must have been involved in a huge pot with now-leader and lhs neighbour Torsten Brinkmann, as he's now monster leader with over 1.2 million.
More preflop shipment from Jan Bendik: Short stack Bendik moved his 104,000 all in after there'd been an early position raise to 12,000 and two callers. No one took him on, and he showed , picking up over 40k without even having to do so.