Romanello Gives Up

One of a heavy peppering of prior EPT champions to grace Day 1b here in Madrid is Roberto Romanello. Having won his title wearing a hat covered in long hair (a bit like a colourful Buckingham Palace guard) and today sports a sort of Mickey Mouse-inspired crocheted thing reminiscent of Princess Leia's hair.
His headgear hasn't brought him early good fortune, though - he just lost a pot which involved a call-or-raise ruling. Three handed to a flop, Romanello raised an early position bettor's 1,000 lead to 2,100 on the button. Pass back to the 1k bettor, who threw in a 5,000 chip - the floor was called to determine whether this was a raise (as he said he intended) or a call.
It was determined as a call of Romanello's raise, and they got a cheaper turn than intended: . The turn was barely lying flat on the felt before the would-be flop raiser led out for 10,000. Romanello passed after a short dwell.