Benny's Hill Shrinks

Benny Spindler had fired out 10,500 on the river of a river against the livewire that is Cristian Dragomir but the Romanian made it 21,000 to go and Spindler was left tanking for several minutes.
Finally, Dragomir called the clock on his opponent and Spindler used most of his time before finally folding with less than ten seconds remaining. Instantly, Dragomir flipped for nothing at all and patted himself on the back.
"Can I get a table change please?" laughed Jon Spinks.
For his effort, Dragomir tried to fist pump with Per Linde but the Swede replied, "No thanks."
"Oh, I'm sorry, is here your friend?" asked Dragomir.
"No," replied Linde, "I just don't want to get involved!"
Spindler then asked, "Who called the clock on me?"
"I did," confessed the Romanian, "I didn't know how else to make you fold..."
Spindler dropped to around 45,000 while Dragomir has about 60,000.