Dragomir's Scared of Plush Toy Monkeys

Cristian Dragomir has become much more active during the last orbit though he finds himself worse off for it.
In one hand Giacomo Maisto raised to 85,000 from middle position, Vladimir Geshkenbein called next to act and Dragomir tanked before making the call. The flop came down and all three players checked. The dealer put out the
on the turn and Dragomir and Maisto both checked, then folded as Geshkenbein bet 160,000.
The very next hand he three-bet Denis Murphy's button raise of 80,000 to 205,000 and picked up the pot preflop but the next hand he tried to do the same to Geshkenbein but he was greeted by an all in shove from the Russian, who tossed in a plush toy monkey to represent his all in bet.
"What's the monkey's name" asked Dragomir
"Lucky Monkey," came the reply
"I am scared of it. I fold."
It looks like all you need to succeed in poker is a bag full of plush toy animals, at least if your opponents are big, burly Romanians.