"Chip Leader or Bust"

Three players made it to the flop and it looked as though it had checked around to Vladimir Geshkenbein on the button. He bet 38,000 and Koen de Visscher in the big blind called. Philip Meulyzer in mid position folded and they were heads up to the turn.
The turn was the and de Visscher checked again; this time the bet from Geshkenbein was 85,000. A short dwell from de Visscher, and then another call.
They saw a river and once again de Visscher checked. Geshkenbein very calmly counted out a bet of 170,000 and pushed it across the line. This proved too much for de Visscher, who finally folded.
"Chip leader or bust," commented Meulyzer. "I like that spirit."
That spirit has put Geshkenbein back up to 890,000. De Visscher's own spirit is sinking - he's at around 750,000.