Murphy's Law

Giacomo Maisto raised to 13,500 UTG+1 and Leonid Yezik called in the cutoff before Dennis Murphy re-popped to 42,000 from the big blind. Maisto called, Yezik folded, and they went heads up to the flop.
The flop came down and Murphy bet out 57,000. Maisto spent a long time stacking up the call in red T1,000 chips before pushing it across the line.
At this point our attention was called over to a high-volume double up at another table - but a deafening cry of, "YESSS!!!" soon drew us back to Maisto's table. The turn and river had come down the and
respectively, and Maisto was all in - by the sounds of it (evidence: Murphy giggling and announcing, "Instacall!") Murphy had put him in on the river and Maisto had snapped for 320,500.
Murphy: for a pair of jacks
Maisto: for runner-runner nuts
Maisto is now now up to a very hefty 860,000, Murphy down to a below-average 205,000.