Norietis B.I.G. Pot

A huge hand that totalled 175,000 chips has just taken place over on Table 8, with Roland Norietis scooping the lot.
The super-aggressive Vladimir Geshkenbein opened the betting with a raise to 5,500 but next to act was Iulian Ruxandescu who three-bet to 13,600. Two players folded and Norietis flat called. Geshkenbein looked a little puzzled by the action but called anyway!
Flop: - Geshkenbein checked, Ruxandescu bet 14,500 and both Norietis and Geshkenbein called to create an already substantial pot.
Turn: - Geshkenbein checked, Ruxandescu continued his aggression with a 16,600 bet, which Norietis raised all in for 45,200 in total, too much for Geshkenbein call and he folded.
Ruxandescu looked quite pained as he called and he looked gutted as he discovered his had been cracked by