Sturzel in the Lead

The flop read and Sander Benjamins bet 2,100. Aleh Plauski raised to 6,400, but Peter Sturzel now reraised to 11,600. Benjamins quickly got out of their way, Plauski made the call, and they were heads up to the turn.
The turn came down the and Plauski checked. Sturzel now bet a roughly pot-sized 26,000. Plauski tanked up for a while, staring at Sturzel in a frighteningly intense manner, as though lasers might shoot out of his eyes at any moment. Laser beams were in the end not forthcoming, but the call was, and they saw the river.
The river was the and Plauski checked again. Sturzel removed his headphones, and after a moment announced, "Ah, it's enough for me," and checked behind. He turned over
for a turned set, and Plauski stared in silence for a little while before showing him
for a flopped set.
With that, former chip leader Plauski dropped back down to a still respectable 62,000. Sturzel, already a big stack at the start of the hand after knocking out Ilya Shtokman earlier, is our current chip leader on a massive 130,000.