Jacobson's Prospects for 3rd EPT Final Table Improve
Level 23
: 12,000/24,000, 2,000 ante

Meanwhile at the corner table (which can be viewed by leaving the tournament area, going all the way around to the door, coming back up some stairs and then peering over the banister), Kevin Lambert raised under the gun. Martin Jacobson called behind, and both Julien Claudepierre and Emile Petit in the blinds made the call.
The flop came down and it checked around to Lambert, who bet. Jacobson called, the blinds both folded, and they were heads up to the turn.
Both players checked the turn and they proceeded to the
river. Lambert bet out 88,000, but Jacobson made it 222,000 to go and Lambert let him take the pot.
Lambert - 1.4 million
Jacobson - 1.6 million