Nowak-Rogozinski Plays Insane Hand, Wins Ridiculous Pot
Level 20
: 6,000/12,000, 1,000 ante

Franck Pepe opened to 26,000 preflop and got called by Mesut Akbas before Andrzej Nowak-Rogozinski 3-bet to 86,000.
Pepe folded, but here is where things got interesting as Akbas suddenly put in an unexpected 4-bet 186,000. Nowak-Rogozinski made the call after Akbas confirmed he had around 400,000 behind.
The flop came
and Akbas fired out 150,000 with just 240,000 behind, but Nowak-Rogozinski moved all-in.
"Sick, so sick!" said Akbas, "I have a pair," but he folded.
Nowak-Rogozinski showed
with a lot of glee. He's almost on a million chips now.