Some Short Stacks Survive, Some Still Shrinking
Helen Prager has halted the downward movement of her chip stacks abruptly with a full double through to over 20,000. She had patiently declined to get involved with Michael Tureniec a couple of hands previously (he three-bet her button raise out of the small blind and she let it go) but now found a flop to commit on.
She'd raised preflop and picked up Carlos Oliveira in position plus one other, and the flop came down . She bet 1,200, Oliveira raised to 2,700 and after Player 3 bowed out, she moved in for 9,050 in total. The size of her stack made Oliveira wince and hesitate holding the chips to call (it would leave him with under 20k himself if he called and lost). Finally with a shrug he threw in the chips and showed
vs. Prager's
. The pair held over the
turn and river and she's back in the game.
On the tables next to her both Josh Prager and William Thorson have dwindled yet further - both are now under 10k.