Jensen Outdraws His Way to the Chip Lead
Level 4
: 150/300, 0 ante

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new chip leader! Many thanks to the friendly Scandie media chap who filled us in on the details of how it all came to pass.
It seems that our hero Anders Jensen (we understand that this name is the Danish equivalent of "John Smith") opened for 2,000 and Morten "Pokergirl" Erlandsen re-popped for 6,500. Jensen called and they saw a rainbow flop. Erlandsen bet 8,000, Jensen shoved and Erlandsen called with
suited for top pair, top kicker. Jensen could only boast an esoteric
, but we understand that a three dropped on either the turn or river making Jensen a straight, and knocking Erlandsen out of the running. Ouch.
Jensen is our current chip daddy on 90,000.