Nut Flush Not Good Enough for Annette
Level 4
: 150/300, 0 ante

There was around 11,000 in the pot when we sauntered up to Annette Obrestad's table; the board read . Benjamin Jensen checked to Obrestad, who bet 6,000. Back to Jensen, who now made it 15,000 to go.
Obrestad tanked up for a long, long time. "Am I allowed to show my hand?" she eventually asked the dealer, but the answer was no, unless she wanted the hand in question to be declared dead. She tanked up for a few more moments, and then showed anyway, folding for the nut flush face up. Jensen declined to show his hand - although the look on his face seemed to us to suggest that he had the goods - and picked up the pot.
Obrestad is at 25,000.