Eiler Have What He's Having

Michael Eiler raised and got himself called by both Daniel Negreanu in the small blind and Kirill Zapletin in the big. Onwards and flopwards.
All three players checked. They got to see a turn card for free.
Negreanu checked, but this time Zapletin bet 240,000. Over to original raiser Eiler - who now raised all in. Negreanu quickly got out of the way, but there commenced a long tank from Zapletin. He massaged his temples for some time. Perhaps he could do with borrowing Negreanu's masseuse for a while.
Eventually he folded, and told Eiler, "Nice bluff," ("Naiz blerf," it sounded like in his rather good Russian accent). The expression on his face was sourer than a lemon floating in a tub of yoghurt.
"It was no bluff," Eiler told him, after a pause. "You'll see on TV."
Zapletin, still looking most unhappy, told him that he'd folded pocket jacks.