Oscar Pelayo Eliminated in 21st Place (�20,000)

We are now down to just 20 players after Oscar Pelayo put all of his chips in the middle on a flush draw and missed.
He opened the betting with a raise from the button to 55,000, a bet that only Jani Rasinen called. Both players checked the flop but with the arrival of the
on the turn, the action erupted.
First, Rasinen lead out with a 70,000 bet and was quickly check raised by Pelayo to 180,000. After asking how many chips his opponent had, Rasinen moved all-in, sendin Pelayo into the tank.
All tournament he has chatted away like it was his last day on Earth and today has been no different. First speaking in Spanish then switching to English to try an obtain some information about Rasinen's hand, telling him what hands he put him then, boom, out of nowhere, "I call!"
Pelayo: for the nut flush draw and an overcard
Rasinen: for top pair
The crowd and television cameras gathered around the table whilst Pelayo pleased for an ace or club but the river was the , sending Pelayo to the cashier desk and Rasinen up to the dizzy heights of 1,450,000