Miller Grinds Down Margets and Radoslaw

Just as I was about to write a post saying how the action had settled down and a touch of normality had been restored, there was a three way all-in!
Jedynak Radoslaw moved all from under the gun for 142,000, Leo Margets was next to act and called the all-in, though Radoslaw had her covered. The action folded around to Arie Ori Miller on the button, who first asked Margets how many chips she had before making the call.
The flop came down prompting a groan from both Margets and Miller as their opponent had flopped a set of jacks, but Miller soon realised he was in the lead as he had flopped top set and nobody held a heart in the hand.
With that Margets and Radoslaw left the table as Miller stacked his 340,000 chips.