Cezarescu Collects Calling Coren

Vicky Coren, not sitting idly by, has been recently involved in a stack-halving sort of pot after giving it three barrels of bluff but failing to dislodge Alexandru Cezarescu. She'd raised preflop (to 700), bet out 1,500 on the flop, and again (3,500) on the
turn. It took Cezarescu a little more time to call this bet, and action slowed further as the
fell on the river.
"I honestly don't know whether to bet or not," admitted UK Pokerstars Team Pro Coren, before settling on Yes and throwing out 6k (leaving herself 10,425 behind). Over to Cezarescu, who gave this one some more lengthy thought - but finally called.
"If you call, you must win," said Coren, or words to that effect, showing for just a pair of fives. She mentioned she'd been considering his holding the flush draw, and that's precisely what he had, but his
was also a pair of Aces and good to take down the decent pot and leave her with just over the old-school EPT starting stack (10k).