Bold Move Puts Reinkemeier Firmly in the Lead


Busquet bet out 240,000 and Reinkemeier called. Now this started to get interesting.

Busquet bet out again, this time 450,000. Once more, Reinkemeier called.

Busquet thought about it long and hard before betting out 560,000 with 1.2 million behind. Said Reinkemeier, ominously, "How much do you have behind?" He thought about it for a while - and then shoved.
"I can't call," said a now dejected Busquet, and indeed he folded. Reinkemeier showed him a nothing-y

After the huge pot had been pushed towards Reinkemeier, Busquet lamented that he should have shoved on the river, and revealed that he'd been holding

We now have a dominant chip leader, Reinkemeier playing roughly 4.5 million to Busquet's 1.2 million.