The Rheemains of the Day

Wow, a disastrous last few minutes for Chino Rheem.
He raised preflop to 60,000 from the button and Rumit Somaiya made it 180,000 from the big blind. Rheem called before both players checked the
The turn was the and Somaiya check-raised Rheem's 100,000 bet to 200,000 with Rheem making the call. The river was the
making a four-card straight on the board and Somayia quickly bet 180,000 bringing an audible sigh from Rheem.
"You have nines full or whatever, do you? I've played this hand bad but I can't fold."
Rheem called. Somaiya showed
"Nice hand sir."
This left Rheem down to just 475,000 and soon after, he 3-bet all-in with
and Artur Wasek made the call with
, the flop was
virtually killing Rheem's chances. The
turn and
river changed nothing and Rheem went from 1.4 million to nothing in the blink of an eye.
24 remain which means we are done for the day.