The Fall & Rise of Toby Lewis

Toby Lewis raised under the gun and found himself facing a three-bet from Paul Knebel. Lewis went all in, Knebel called all in, and they were on their backs.
A nice spot for Knebel - he doubled up to 150,000. Lewis on the other hand was left with just 20,000.
Two hands later and Melanie Weisner raised to 6,900 in mid position. Lewis shoved from the small blind, and Weisner called - as you do with this sort of hand.
Lewis: somewhat behind with
Yes, that's right - Lewis made a straight to win the pot and double up. It was a real privilege to witness some of that Toby Lewis run-good at close quarters, and although he is still rather short on 45,000, it would be a mistake to rule out the EPT Vilamoura champion just yet.