Thorsson Hammered
Level 13
: 1,200/2,400, 200 ante

The media are like vultures around short-stacked, big-name pros, and there was a crowd of them hovering around Amsterdam Master Classics winner Kristoffer Thorsson's table. We didn't have to wait long, as he soon pushed his last last 24,300 into the middle from early position. Mikhail Lakhitov in the small blind gave it some serious thought but ultimately folded. The big blind folded too Thorsson moved up to the heady heights of 30,000 - the Day 1 starting stack, currently around 12 and a half big blinds.
So Thorsson shoved again the very next hand and this time Lakhitov made the call.
"Nice hand, good luck," said the affable Thorsson, and he was gone.