Anton Getting Wiggy With It

Anton Wigg continues to climb up the leaderboard after eliminating a plyer from his table, someone who seemed angry he made the call on the river for all of his chips and sped out of the poker room!
In the hand the said player raised to 850 from under the gun and Wigg called next to act. The small blind also came along, meaning the three of them saw the fall on the flop.
Everyone checked to Wigg, who made a bet of 1,475, with only the under the gun player staying in the hand.
Turn: - Both players slowed down and opted to check the turn
River: - This is where things got interesting. UTG quickly bets 7,225 chips only to see Mr Wigg immediately move a tower of chips past the betting line, enough to put his opponent all in. Wigg's opponent called off the rest of his 11,200 stack but instantly mucked as Wigg turned over
for a straight.
Wigg now finds himself armed with around 59,000 chips